My Ethics.

- Politics

Maintaining a commitment to unbias, impartiality and professionalism is a core value of my business.

While I prioritise neutrality in almost every aspect, I am dedicated to supporting and collaborating with charitable organisations that align with my values, particularly those focused on youth, mental health, women’s health and equality and poverty alleviation.

However, I am discerning when it comes to accepting projects that contribute to an imbalanced environment or have the potential to harm to myself or my business. By observing from a neutral standpoint, I gain a unique perspective on the world around me, enabling me to identify and select worthy battles with a clear mind. My work is community-oriented, transcending partisan affiliations and embracing a balanced approach. In a more basic approach, I refuse to take a political stand point of any kind with my business unless I deem it necessary and for the absolute true and equal improvement of society.


- Work Place equality and diversity.

I firmly believe in being an advocate for individuals rather than aligning myself with specific groups. I am a staunch supporter individuals of those who possess genuine kindness, a beautiful soul, and a fervent desire to continuously grow and improve in life. I wholeheartedly embrace those who seek knowledge, aspire to achieve personal greatness, and bring their unique talents to the table.

In my professional interactions, I hold no biases based on race, religion, sexual orientation, creed, or political beliefs. What matters most to me is the decency and honesty, of you as an individual person. If you approach me seeking employment, I want to see the real you - the person, the artist, the crafts person - rather than the labels you may choose apply to yourself. I am more interested in reviewing your portfolio, understanding your work ethic, and ensuring that you can collaborate harmoniously within our environment. However, if you approach me with the intention of being hired solely based on factors such as skin colour for example, simply to fulfil a diversity checkbox, I will kindly decline and disregard your CV, Portfolio and Interview. Positions within my realm are offered to those who have earned them, deserve them, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and boast an impressive body of work in their portfolio. This principle also extends to work experience students and young individuals seeking opportunities or even a client wishing to hire my services. 

I firmly believe in promoting equal opportunities and ensuring that individuals with the right talents and skills are given the utmost priority for job roles and opportunities within my professional circle and business. I am dedicated to recognizing and nurturing exceptional abilities, valuing merit and competence above all else. Whether it's through direct hires or outsourcing to freelancers, I strive to create a working environment where skills and talents are key determinants in decision-making. I am committed to providing opportunities based on an individual's capabilities, regardless of factors such as race, sexuality, religion, disability, neurodiversity or any other characteristic. Embracing diversity and inclusivity, I aim to foster an atmosphere of respect and equal treatment for all, where everyone can contribute their unique abilities and thrive professionally. And I in turn expect the same treatment from my clients, other professionals, freelancers and community.

And for those of the neurodiverse community that believes they hold a disability. I firmly believe that being neurodiverse is a superpower rather than a disability or a disadvantage. In my view, it's about discovering, exploring and harnessing your unique strengths and way of thinking that are yours and yours alone and are beautifully different and unique to each person.

- Bullying

I strongly condemn bullying in any context. As part of my ethical commitment, I refuse to engage or work with clients, fellow freelancers, independents, charities, artists, crafters, or anyone working with me who actively promote bullying, slander, to attack and undermine others for personal gain or because they choose to face and understand their own personal insecurities. It is essential to me that my professional interactions are built on respect, empathy, and collaboration. Should I unknowingly exhibit such behavior, I expect those around me to respectfully call me out on my actions, allowing me the opportunity to address and rectify any issues. Continuous self-improvement is a fundamental value, and I strive to create a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and free from the harmful effects of bullying or any form of mistreatment.

- Learning opportunities

I believe in the power of lifelong learning and the pursuit of excellence. We are committed to continuously expanding our knowledge, refining our skills, and staying at the forefront of our industry.

We actively seek out opportunities for professional development, whether through attending workshops, conferences, or training programs, or engaging in self-study and research. By staying abreast of the latest trends, techniques, and advancements in our field, we ensure that we provide our clients with the most innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

Moreover, we embrace feedback as a valuable tool for growth and improvement. We actively seek input from our clients, colleagues, and collaborators to understand their needs, preferences, and suggestions. By listening attentively and incorporating feedback, we can consistently enhance our services, refine our processes, and deliver an exceptional experience.

In our commitment to continuous learning, we also foster a culture of curiosity and exploration within our team. We encourage each member to pursue their own professional development goals, enabling them to bring fresh perspectives, new ideas, and enhanced expertise to our projects.

By prioritizing continuous learning and improvement, we ensure that our clients receive the highest level of service, paired with the latest industry insights and best practices. We are dedicated to surpassing expectations, adapting to evolving needs, and delivering exceptional results that propel our clients' success.

Together, let's embark on a journey of constant growth and improvement, where we challenge the status quo, embrace innovation, and consistently raise the bar in our pursuit of excellence.

- Eco and green.

I recognize that achieving complete sustainability in my field, particularly regarding environmental practices, is a complex and ongoing endeavor. Nonetheless, I strive to do my utmost within my working environment.

In my efforts to minimize environmental impact, I have implemented various practices. I utilize potato starch packing peanuts and prioritize the use of recycled or reusable materials whenever possible for projects involving plastic. I opt for cardboard pip boxes for shipping, rely on eco-friendly cleaning products like Method, and source locally made beeswax. Additionally, I make a conscious effort to maximize the utilization of my stone materials, even down to the smallest chips. By repurposing components from older projects, I reduce waste and promote material reuse. In my stone carving process, I employ a pump system for water coolant, enabling the rotation and reuse of water. Furthermore, I employ eco-friendly cleaners for my silver work and ultrasonic cleaner, and I consciously limit the use of epoxy resin in my creations.

While acknowledging that achieving absolute sustainability is an ongoing journey, I am dedicated to continually exploring and implementing environmentally conscious practices within my work.


Third party permissions

I reserve the right to exercise discretion in choosing clients and collaborators, as I prioritize the protection of myself, my business, and my financial well-being. Assessing potential risks and making judgments regarding the suitability of working with individuals or entities is solely my responsibility. I do not take the decision to blacklist clients lightly, and I follow a three-strike system for clients, freelancers, fellow artists, and craftspeople. It's important to note that these actions are taken independently and should not be construed as reflecting the views or actions of any other group, community, or individuals with whom I collaborate or associate with.

I am solely responsible for the management and operation of my business, and no outside or third party has the authority to make decisions or take actions on behalf of my business without my explicit permission. Contact regarding my business should only be initiated through authorised channels, and currently, only one contracted charity has the consent to represent me or my business and that is Nucleus Arts. All choices and decisions related to my business are made exclusively by me and by no other party. The process of hiring my services is conducted solely through my direct communication and coordination with clients, in addition to the contracted charity stated above.

Please do not accept correspondence from any other party concerning bookings, orders or projects other than myself and Nucleus Arts, for your own protection.


All illustrated works displayed on this webpage, as well as those associated with it, are created by me and are owned by me. I hold the copyright license to all of my works in accordance with British copyright laws. While I am open to selling the right to use my work, I do not sell the full rights to my creations. Please note that any other works by different artists that may be featured on my page belong to the respective artists, and I have obtained permission to sell them and they should be treated equally as to my own works. 

I take the issue of theft of intellectual property very seriously. In the event of any unauthorized use or theft of my work, appropriate legal action will be taken. This includes seeking compensation for royalties, profits derived from the unauthorized use of my work or the work of any artists represented on this webpage or social media, as well as reimbursement for legal fees. Additionally, the violation of copyright laws may result in the suspension or termination of relevant copyright licenses.

It is important to respect the intellectual property rights of artists, and I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of my works or the works of other artists on this webpage, please don't hesitate to contact me.